I Tried Starburst Yogurt
07/27/20 05:55 pm
Recently I found myself ordering food online instead of exclusively shopping at local supermarkets. For the most part it has been a disappointment with hard to navigate websites and bad pricing/selection. However, when I saw Starburst branded yoplait yogurt I knew I had to buy it. I'm not a big yogurt person, outside of gogurt and a few very specific types of yogurt I've not really had any since I was a little kid. But I've always held the opinion that candies like Skittles, Starburst and Jolly Rancher would be great flavors for things like soda and etc. So the flavors I got were Cherry, Strawberry and Orange which also happen to be my favorite flavors of Starburst (the lemon ones are meh!) Due to unforeseen circumstances (I foolishly assumed they would all expire around the same time) the strawberry one expired 20 days ago and I'm not going to try it. Let's get into it.
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Continuing a tradition I started 7 years ago it's time to review the newest flavor of Sunkist. The Strawberry Lemonade flavor instantly grabbed my attention because I still regularly think about how great the discontinued sparkling lemonade flavored Sunkist was (not to be confused with the normal lemonade they make). Unfortunately, this new flavor does not learn from the greatness of the old Sparkling Lemonade Sunkist. Instead, it has a hint of that artificial tasting flavor that plagues most canned lemonade. Some people like it, I do not and unfortunately this causes the Strawberry Lemonade to be a subpar flavor for me. All this does for me is make me regret never mixing Strawberry and Lemon Sunkist back when I had the chance. Although Sunkist finally adding a new flavor does give me hope, I was worried when a handful of flavors disappeared and then they went silent on Twitter for 5 years. They do follow me on Twitter though, which is pretty amazing. In my last blog about Sunkist I gave all the flavors a 1-10 ranking. I think I'd have to put Strawberry Lemonade at a 6.5 on that list. Although I'm not sure I agree with all those numbers anymore. There's still quite a few flavors I've never seen in stores, even ones that are still listed on their website. Maybe someday =/
Sunkist Citrus Fusion
01/28/12 10:57 pm
Anybody who really knows me knows that I love Sunkist. While I normally only drink Orange and Strawberry (and lemon back when it was available nearby) I also strive to try every flavor available. Yesterday I was able to finally try Citrus Fusion. I should start off by saying I'm not a huge fan of lime. Lime skittles are the only lime flavor I can think of that I truly like. So it comes as no surprise that Citrus Fusion is not high up on my list. However, if you are a fan of lime then I'm sure you will like it more than I did as there was a distinct lime flavor to it. I had heard it compared to lime skittles which had me excited, but sadly this did not seem to be the case. However, I'm willing to hold off on this judgment until I get to try some more because my bottle seemed to have lost some of its carbonation (probably from age/shaking). I've found that the normal sized bottles usually taste worse as well, so hopefully I can find a 2 liter or can someday. Anyway, here's my 1-10 ranking of flavors. 5 is meh, 10 is awesome and 1 would be ewwwwwwwwwwwwww.
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