Years ago I was hatching a bunch of Marill in one of the DS pokemon games and had a simple problem. I wanted to share the IVs and stats of the pokemon I had but formatted nicely instead of having to type the whole thing out every time.
From that simple idea came the currently most visited website I own, my
Pokemon Calculator website that makes it easy for IV hunters to share links of their pokemon.
I guess the idea must have been good, because I only ever shared it with a few people on my own website and it has somehow spread throughout the entire internet and become one of the top google results for stat/iv calculators.
I shouldn't be too surprised, the same thing happened with my YouTube channel when I uploaded a bunch of wind waker videos 10 years ago and then when I came back 5 years later one of them was well over 50,000 views. Even now after 5 years of random let's playing, my top 4 videos are still old wind waker videos.
Anyway... after I made most of the site, I got stuck on the generation 1/2 calculators and ended up leaving the site mostly alone for a long time. Although looking back on it, outside of a minor gen 2 special stat glitch I'm not sure what was actually broken. I might have just been tired and gotten confused about stat exp, I really don't know.
With Project Wonderful ads I was struggling to maintain 1 cent a day so I never realized it was doing well. When they went offline a year ago I switched all my sites over to adsense and suddenly pycosites was earning more than 1 cent per day, making me finally realize the success I had created.
Bolstered by this success, I have in the past year translated the site into French and German (the only 2 languages with unique Pokemon names in a latin alphabet), I fixed the bug in the gen 1/2 calculators and I improved various small parts of the site including a more mobile friendly layout and minor calculator improvements.
At that point I wasn't really sure where to go next. Then a few days ago I was watching Pokemon related YouTube videos and realized I could do a capture chance calculator. Looking around, I quickly saw a flaw in the top 2 google results. They were both too specific in the results they show.
So today I am putting the finishing touches on the in-progress
Capture Chance Calculator for gen 1 and 2. This calculator lets you compare all the different pokeballs in those 2 sets of games at the same time.
It turns out that due to mathematical oddities and just plain glitches, the best ball to use isn't always obvious. Sometimes Ultra Balls are just as good as Pokeballs. Great Balls can be better than Ultra Balls and Love/Moon Balls just plain don't work right in gen 2.
I'm hoping to expand to the rest of the generations in the near future but I'm not too eager because there's so much data entry and I know these will never be as popular as IV calculators.
I probably won't even link it on the actual site until the rest of the generations are done, which is part of why I'm writing this blog in the first place. That and I don't want this blog to just be movie and food reviews.