Crafting a new world
01/21/24 12:28 am
It's no secret that I am really good at starting new projects and really bad at ever finishing them. With that said, the idea of me making a 2d single player Elder Scrolls/RuneScape style RPG world is not a new idea. The exact details of that world have gone through many iterations over the year but the basic goal and gameplay behind the idea is always the same. At one point in time it was called Korbis, at another point in time it was Pyco Mundi: Paragon set in the past of the Pyco Mundi universe. But now I have a new plan: Instead of being completely original or completely Pyco Mundi it will be what you might expect an RPG created by people living in Pyco Mundi to make. So it will have standard fantasy and animal races/monsters but instead of just fighting a wolf or a bear maybe you also run into various Pycotrophs. The key difference is I won't be locked into following Pyco Mundi universe lore or the consequences of a lore-accurate game where humans and Pycotrophs fight with each other for survival. I would also like to treat it is a live game, so new updates would come out on a regular basis to continue the world building and questlines.
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Pyco Mundi Halloween!
10/26/21 06:14 am
To celebrate halloween this year I have decided to spend some time brainstorming "spooky" ideas for Pyco Mundi to help flesh out parts of the games that have had very little thought put into them thus far. I figure this might be an interesting look into how I design content because this blog is basically how I write down all my ideas in various text files.
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My First Terrarium
08/03/20 04:37 am
Last Wednesday I officially started my new hobby of closed terrariums! Although it's not truly a closed terrarium yet because I keep opening it to let out humidity. Image
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I Tried Starburst Yogurt
07/27/20 05:55 pm
Recently I found myself ordering food online instead of exclusively shopping at local supermarkets. For the most part it has been a disappointment with hard to navigate websites and bad pricing/selection. However, when I saw Starburst branded yoplait yogurt I knew I had to buy it. I'm not a big yogurt person, outside of gogurt and a few very specific types of yogurt I've not really had any since I was a little kid. But I've always held the opinion that candies like Skittles, Starburst and Jolly Rancher would be great flavors for things like soda and etc. So the flavors I got were Cherry, Strawberry and Orange which also happen to be my favorite flavors of Starburst (the lemon ones are meh!) Due to unforeseen circumstances (I foolishly assumed they would all expire around the same time) the strawberry one expired 20 days ago and I'm not going to try it. Let's get into it.
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Starting a New Hobby
07/25/20 05:20 pm
The overly long backstory: So recently I've been watching a lot of random animal videos on YouTube. The algorithm over the past couple years is determined to slowly push me further and further from my cat video roots. I watched a video on domesticated silver foxes, which is an experiment that always interested me. This got me thinking about what animals I might try to domesticate if I was rich enough to hire people to help. There's a lot of obvious choices in mammals but then I got thinking about what non-mammals might be viable. Then I got to thinking about the pill bugs (isopods) I used to catch and occasionally keep as pets when I was a kid. What if you could breed them to be bigger and easier to care for? The isopods that live in my area are nowhere near the maximum size for wild isopods but they are easier to care for than a lot of the largest terrestrial species. It was at this point a couple weeks ago that I noticed terrarium videos being recommended to me, specifically closed terrariums that can be sealed air tight for years and still survive. Hmm... time to start planning...
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The lead up and release of this movie sure was a roller coaster. When it was first announced. I fully expected it would be a slightly subpar kids movie in the same vein as Angry Birds or Alvin and the Chipmunks. Then the design was revealed and my expectations dropped further. I wasn't going to see the movie at that point just on principle. Luckily, they were willing to accept the overwhelming feedback and actually fix the movies poor design decisions which put me back to square one. Then the trailer came out and honestly I didn't like it very much, it pretty much confirmed in my mind that the movie would likely not be worth watching in theatres. I kept some small sliver of hope though and that hope came through as the first opinions started rolling in on release night. At first I was skeptical but quite a few "influencers" I like all voiced the opinion that it was either good or great. So I decided to watch the movie with my family today and I was actully looking forward to it. Let's quit beating around the bush and enter extreme spoiler/nitpick territory now.
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Today we will be nitpicking Disenchantment season 1. I will try to avoid spoilers but if you haven't watched the show you probably won't know who I am talking about anyway. When Part 1 came out I never even considered watching Disenchantment. Lucky for Part 2, I was bored and looking for something to watch when it came out and I ended up watching through all 20 episodes in a week.
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